At this point, we don't know what the impact will be on federal highway dollars. We don't think that this will mean that billboards can be put up indiscriminately on Oregon's highways, but we are still reviewing this. |
But it could potentially result in an increased number of billboards. One of the regulatory tools used by the Oregon Department of Transportation has been eliminated. |
In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court decision, there were questions about the procedures that prosecutors could use to have courts impose these (longer) sentences. State legislation clarified the process, but there was a question about whether it was retroactive. That is resolved by these decisions. |
It only takes hours to get an ID in somebody else's name and to start abusing their account, so three and a half weeks is disappointing. |
Mr. Van Dorn has agreed to a conditional release that will move him to the Department of Corrections as early as Monday. |
My guess is that the farther you get away from the East Coast, the less the impact Sept. 11 has had on state sunshine laws. |
There's $1.8 billion that is apparently at issue here, so this is going to be a matter that we take extremely seriously. It's impossible at this point to predict how long litigation might take. |
This case appears to tie up the loose ends. This decision limits the amount of appellate work that will emerge in the aftermath of Blakely. |
This is all a very politicized process. They're going to need to go out and shop this measure, and they want to be sure the ballot title is optimal. And they have opponents who want to be sure the ballot title is optimal for their purposes. |
This ought not be a debt that is subject to the bankruptcy proceeding. |
Those are the barriers on both sides. Apart from that, the PUC essentially has complete authority to make (rate) adjustments. |
Will this lead to a proliferation of billboards? Our answer is, it might. |
With every opinion, it is closing another chapter in the story. |
You have different textures and colors. I think it's kind of boring if you have one color and one height all the way around. This is more interesting. [But] you have to play with it a little bit. |