The popular indexes have managed to reach 4-year highs, while small and midsize indexes flirt with all-time highs. The lack of sustainability is likely due to the senior citizen status of the bull market, now in its 41st month. The restless rotation is keeping hope alive with money shifting from energy stocks to home building to technology to financials. |
The selling last week was so extreme, there had to be a snap back. |
The traders wanted 75 basis points (three-quarter percentage point) so they sold on the news. After the traders sold, investors stepped up to the plate (to sell). |
The two biggies after the close (Tuesday) -- Microsoft and Intel -- were OK but certainly not a market turn-on, |
The two biggies after the close (Tuesday) -- Microsoft and Intel -- were OK but certainly not a market turn-on. |
The two major hurdles continue to be oil and interest rates on the Treasuries. The market has demonstrated through the first quarter that we can snap back. |
The weakness from Friday carried forward to the international markets and we could get a horrific open here today. The concerns stem from the rising rates structure and what we got on Friday was something of a good news, bad news syndrome. |
There are lots of positive triggers today, |
There are many facets to the market. One facet has been that money managers have been willing to dip their toe in the water. |
There were a couple of one-shot deals in the PPI -- auto prices and tobacco prices. If you took those two items out, the core rate was up 0.1. That's the reason why the markets have come back a little. I've analyzed the numbers and realized that this is not inflation out of control. |
There's a cautious backdrop (on Wall Street). We're heading to that glide path toward the Fed meeting. I think there has been a gravitation toward the cyclical stocks and away from the blue chips. And I think we'll continue to see movements into the papers and the metals. |
There's nothing really to sink your teeth into next week, except for the possibility of a Santa Claus rally. |
These surveys give regional snapshots, and that's all they do. I'd never even heard of the Empire State survey until recently -- and I don't think you can build the case that Wall Street sits there panting, waiting for the results. |
They were destined to be disappointing. One, the weather was against you and we have a cautious consumer. |
This is a way to dip your toe in the water without getting into deep vulnerability, so you're participating in the blue chips. |