If people could enjoy staying together as much as they fantasize about having sex with someone outside of their relationship then couples would keep from falling apart. |
If you've chosen egocentricity for your career path than you've chosen to live with the illusion that your surroundings will serve you continuously. |
It is hard for the young filmmaker not to envision immediate popularity, that being affected by the fact that his work will unlikely be perceived entirely as he intended. |
It is not only easier to find fault with another person than to examine one's own character, it is also tempting. |
It still amazes me how many millions goes to discovering another star in the galaxies when, for all we know, we are still sitting on top of another undiscovered world beneath out feet. |
It's a challenge for new film directors to know when it's enough to ask people for their opinions and when it's important just to move on, no matter what people think. Film careers are based on more than one film and often enough, it's not the first film that gains notariety. |
Life in the now, is gone tomorrow The only way to know is die Then to reveal its convenient lie. |
Life is but a dream but to many a nightmare. It's what comes after and in between lives that's reality. |
Look to the next world for perfection, look at this one for its opposite. |
Nationhood is more likely to guarantee autocracy, decadence and corruption than real democracy. |
Once thrift shops hit your district it is a good sign that more citizens are being squeezed out of house and home. |
Paradoxically for developing countries , it means being economically dependent on richer nations with the facade that they can look after themselves. |
Some sincerity will serve well in the long run but total sincerity is often detrimental. |
Teaching is useless unless you can learn from your students. |
The beauty about being a natural actor is just being yourself without getting caught up with how you think a role should be performed. The horror many novices face is not knowing that the natural counts much more than the pretention of being somebody else. The more natural you are then the more convincing the interpreted role will be. The horror many professionals face is that pretending to be natural eventually catches up with them. |