Financial institutions worldwide have made a very major effort to diversify their work forces. Despite this, it's clearly taking time for these efforts to take effect. |
I think it's great and should have been done years ago. It's just common sense for safety alone. I've had a couple of girls get hit by pitches in the face, and the safety of the kids is the bottom line. |
I'm coming back here again next year. |
It was an awesome game. This is my last year as coach, and this was my favorite game. |
Many of these decks are best situated at the perimeter of the campus to act as car 'filters' to maintain a safe pedestrian environment on the central campus. And since these are difficult facilities to fund, many municipalities and universities are looking at ways to share cost and capacity of these decks. |
The energy savings are typically 50 percent -- the products pay for themselves in two or three years. We've calculated that our products are currently saving (users) more than $1 billion a year. |
Their fans are nice, gracious and not rude. We'll be excited to come out and play in front of them. |
This new co-investment program expands our capability to serve Corporate America's industrial real estate needs with increased net lease investment capacity. Our national platform and customer franchise enable us to identify quality industrial properties leased by established tenants suitable for this program. |
Today's facilities more closely resemble private apartments in their configuration and amenity packages. Suites and efficiency apartments are more prevalent, as are amenities such as vending, ATMs and technology infrastructure. |
Universities are very aware and sensitive to LEED and sustainable design, but most see the certification process as costly and burdensome, with no tangible benefit. |
Women are more likely to be found in a senior role in a market such as asset-backed securities than in equities , where an 'old boy network' may still exist. |