All parties are still working well together on the final budget. |
As the family engages in dialogue and the families are allowed to make the determinations with a minor-age child, it is something that will result in what is best for the minor and the unborn child. |
For Democrats, you have to go back to 1968. |
Governor Huntsman believes that openness and transparency are essential components of any effective, responsible administration. |
He has a real concern for the employees of these establishments who are forced to inhale other people's secondhand smoke. |
It is our hope that it will lead to more family dialogue on this issue for underage minors, and that it will lead to fewer abortions. |
Our phone's not ringing off the hook for a tax credit. But we are receiving lots of calls and comments about simply removing the sales tax off food. |
The governor has a great working relationships with senators from both parties. He regrets that comments he made in a recent interview were interpreted as bravado. The governor's intent is to always focus on policy proposals and options rather than personalities. |
The governor is anxious to move forward on the construction of Legacy Parkway as soon as possible. |
The governor remains committed to providing immediate relief for taxpayers at the check-out counter - not something that offers relief just once a year if they fill out a tax return. |
The governor was only on the (corporate) jet a few times last year, maybe only once, always with other family members on family trips; once to Fillmore for the funeral of a relative. An amended federal filing will be made next week. |
The Huntsman family has long been believers in the joy of life that adoption can provide. Ever since the adoption of their daughter, Gracie, they have considered the possibility of another international adoption. |
There is merit in discussing this proposal. This proposal does provide longer-term parking solutions for the Capitol area. |
This is a power grab, pure and simple. |
We are still disappointed that it passed. This is a very important issue for the governor, and we'll do what we feel is necessary to make certain the governor's position is understood. |