He told us that he received a degree from an online university. We don't understand what the issue is. |
I don't want to go into any speculation. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. |
If all the ducks are lined in a row, these casinos can open the doors as soon as the conditional license is received. |
Public input is a factor, but each individual board member is going to have to weigh it for himself or herself. |
The board has been very open about the way it conducts business. |
The board welcomes all input and will consider all public input. Public input is a critical component of the licensing process. |
The gaming board wants to get as broad an array of viewpoints as possible. The hearings are as much for the public as they are for the board. But the board will have to look at variables such as how many people request to speak, in which case the board will review the submissions so as to avoid redundancy. |
The lawsuit is pending and we cannot comment. |
There are copies and copies of copies. We're sorting through it. |
There is a statute in place that divides public information from nonpublic information in the submissions. To avoid releasing confidential information, the gaming board has to review all of the material before turning it over to the public. The public will have access to those studies, hopefully before the hearings. |
There's nothing that would prevent them from applying. They would, however, be required to go through the same licensing procedures as any other client. |
There's tremendous interest in gaming throughout Pennsylvania, so the board is taking these steps to encourage as much participation from as many people as possible in the public input hearings. |
This is the most important thing that needs to get done in the short term. |
We are an agency created by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, not Philadelphia. There is no communication between our office and the city government. |
We consider these applications works in progress. It is our job to help make sure each of these applicants has a complete application. We're going to have questions, and we're going to give them the opportunity to update their information. |