After it was clear we'd hit a raw nerve in the community, we didn't want to offend anybody. |
After it was clear we'd hit a raw nerve in the community, we didn't want to offend anybody. We had a short list of about 15 names to choose from and we came up with this. It's full of vitality, energy and action. |
After the naming issues, I was happy to see this crowd and the phenomenal reaction. These guys were obviously excited about the crowd and the stadium. |
And at the end of the day, one of the major players of that is the coach. It became pretty clear to me he was the best guy to keep on the job. |
Any announcement regarding the matter has been pushed back until later this week. |
Barcelona has committed to do a three-game tour of the U.S., playing in, I believe the correct order is, Los Angeles, Houston and New York. We just got the confirmation earlier this week. |
Considering all the uncertainties he faced with the team (last year), he did a remarkable job. He deserved his coach of the year (award), clearly. |
Dynamo is a word to describe someone who never fatigues, never gives up. The new name is symbolic of Houston as an energetic, hard-working, risk-taking kind of town. |
From this day forward, the Houston 1836 logo will be a symbol of a hardworking team. This is a team for Houston. If you live in Houston, you must like it here. If you like Houston, come out and support another Houston franchise. |
I can neither confirm nor deny the report. An official announcement will be made (today). |
I feel very confident, in fact I guarantee that we will have a smooth operation (Saturday). |
I packed the family up in the car, and we went to the game, at the old Mile High, and it was a real downpour, just torrential rain. It turned out that there was a mudslide that blocked off I-70 so we had to take this huge detour and ended up getting home at something like four in the morning. I actually called Don up and said that I hoped that my experience with soccer would get better from here! |
I think what he's done is phenomenal, winning three medals in a sport he wasn't engaged in four years ago. It's a perfect sort of symbol for what we are trying to do, which is start something new. |
I will confirm that the color scheme (black, orange, white and blue) will remain the same. It's changing to reflect the new name. |
I won't say the publicity has all been good, but it has kept us in the public eye. |