I take that as a message and mandate to my clients that we should do that. I might welcome a shot across the bow rather than one between the eyes. |
I think any adult producer would agree. |
It is my hope that my remarks will bring some balance to a discussion before this Congress that is too often dominated by a vocal minority intent on vilifying expression protected by our Constitution. |
It's lawful adult expression that is accepted in America in both the marketplace of ideas and the commercial marketplace. |
Some people lie about it. It's their way of excusing personally unacceptable conduct -- 'It wasn't me, it was porn. |
The form of entertainment is no problem. |
The form of entertainment is no problem. There are individuals who are going to react abnormally to normal material, but it's not a problem for the average person. |
We're going to attempt to come up with solutions in helping the filtering process be successful. |