By legislating a two-tier system of relationships, Labor (government) has, in effect, created a form of legal apartheid based on sexual orientation. |
He is deliberately avoiding public engagements in order to deny us a chance to confront him, |
His homophobic jibes help make bigotry cool and acceptable. |
It is sad to see the leader of the Muslim community attacking the gay community. |
These attempts by the Russian state and religious leaders to suppress the right to protest are a throwback to the bad old days of czarist and communist totalitarianism. No amount of threats and intimidation by the mayor of Moscow, the Chief Mufti or the Chief Rabbi will halt the gay freedom struggle in Russia. |
This will give hope to millions of isolated, vulnerable, lesbian and gay people especially those living in repressive and homophobic countries. |
Tolerance is a two-way street. How can the MCB expect to secure respect for Muslims when it shows such obvious disrespect to other people because of their sexual orientation? |
We send our condolences to Nokia's family and friends, and extend our solidarity to the heroes and heroines of JFLAG who are campaigning for gay human rights in conditions of great danger and adversity. |
Whatever Robbie's intention, his legal action has created the impression he thinks it is shameful to be gay. |
While demanding rights for Muslims, the MCB wants to deny rights to lesbian and gay people -- both Muslim and non-Muslim. It sees no double standard or inconsistency in its selective approach to human rights. |