I am an optimist by nature. I believe in goodness in every human being. I do. I believe that despite all obstacles, good will always beat evil. This [belief] gives me strength and support. |
The reason that I was not put on trial was that they [authorities] knew that I had the international community behind me, supporting me. |
They accused me of stirring up animosity. You know I write about the 16th century! I write about tribes that were fighting against each other in the 16th century. And they take all of that and they project it onto the present day. |
They brought a stretcher and wanted to put me on it. I told them that I don't want a stretcher. They said: 'Oh, no, you need a stretcher, you are ill!' I answered them with an English proverb: 'Once the head has been taken off, one does not complain about the haircut.' I descended by myself from the second floor using the staircase and they all the time tried to hold me under my elbows. I told them, 'Hands off!' because I thought it was humiliating. I didn't want to make them happy, to show my weakness. |