It's almost a miracle, a blessing. |
It's no longer, I think, the boy calling wolf. |
It's not perfect, ... I wish I could wave a magic wand and transport people magically to Dallas and other places . . . but that's not the case. |
It's pretty simple for me. ... I'm a Christian, and this is about values, ... My beliefs are that a man and woman are what make up the meaning of marriage. |
Justice delayed in this case is not justice denied, ... The courts are the ultimate arbiters of evidence, and this case is now back in the hands of the courts. |
Justice Willett joins a long and distinguished list of previous justices whose appointment to a high court was the first time they put on the robe, including Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson of the Texas Supreme Court, and Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the United States Supreme Court. |
Look, a Category 4, Category 5 storm is going to be catastrophic. |
My executive order will give taxpayers the accountability they deserve because it opens every school district's financial books to public scrutiny, ... Taxpayers may find they have the best-run schools in the state of Texas, or they may find areas where their schools should be getting more for their money. With greater transparency in our schools, parents will be empowered to demand change if needed at the local level. |
Natural disasters recognize no state boundaries, and neither should FEMA, ... Texas is willing to work and do our part, but FEMA has to sit down and come up with a long-term, thoughtful plan. |
not create it from the bench. |
Obviously, when the water goes down, we're going to see the impact on residential properties is going to be substantial, |
Our farmers, ranchers and cities will have 100 percent of the water they are entitled to, not just for the rest of this year, but for all of 2006, ... Now that the debt is paid, both countries must continue to work in good faith to meet the water demands of citizens on both sides of the Rio Grande for years to come. |
Our work is before us. It cannot be passed to future legislatures and must not be passed to future generations. May we boldly seize the moment with singular unity. And may we build a Texas of unlimited possibility. |
pay fully the cost of this. |
pursuing a political agenda. |