Being kissed by a man who didn't wax his moustache was--like eating an egg without salt. |
Bite on the bullet, old man, and don't let them think you're afraid. |
Borrow trouble for yourself, if that's your nature, but don't lend it to your neighbours. |
Brother, thy tail hangs down behind! |
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware / Of giving your heart to a dog to tear. |
But a fool must follow his natural bent / (Even as you and I!). |
But remember please, the Law by which we live, we are not built to comprehend a lie, we can neither love nor pity nor forgive. If you make a slip in handling us you die. |
But, through the shift of mood and mood, Mine ancient humor saves him whole The cynic devil in his blood That bids him mock his hurrying soul; That bids him flout the Law he makes, That bids him make the Law he flouts, Till, dazed by many doubts, h |
Buy a pup and your money will buy love unflinching. |
Call a truce, then to our labors - let us feast with friends and neighbors And be merry as the custom of our caste; For if "faint and forced the laughter," and if sadness follow after, We are richer by one mocking Christmas past |
Daughter am I in my mother's house, But mistress in my own |
Down to Gehenna, or up to the Throne, He travels the fastest who travels alone. |
Duke's son - cook's son - son of a hundred kings - / (Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay!). |
East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet |
Every one wanted to say so much that no one said anything in particular. |