[A jar of rabies-vaccination tags. A wooden yardstick (] Save at Farm King in Canton ... believed to be owned by Rand. |
Beauty comes from within; a greedy, avaricious, gossipy woman cannot be beautiful. |
I had to find a new twist. I wanted a balloon 60 inches in diameter, which is my height, made of a translucent or transparent material. |
I have been successful, and I am grateful for my success. I have had some experiences that I wish I never had had, but that would be true in any business. I cannot say sincerely that I would have chosen just this road to fortune. Perhaps I might have wished for another way. But I took the opportunity that came to me. Certainly I am an opportunist. I admit it. |
I have never retired-I have averaged 40 working weeks a year since 1933. |
I haven't been out of work since the day I took my pants off. |
I like boys. I am not foreign; I was born and raised in Hickory County, Mo. |
I'm not the type to sit on the porch and watch life go by. |
I'm the original. |
If you love living, you try to take care of the equipment. |
They planned this fair to bring business to Chicago, into the Loop. But you could have fired a cannon down state street and hit nobody, because everybody was out at the fair. |
What in heaven's name is strange about a grandmother dancing nude? I'll bet lots of grandmothers do it. |
When I first came out with my fans and the wind hit me, I almost took off. |