Circuit emulation, though advancing in sophistication, continues to concern operators and limit their enthusiasm for transitioning fully to Ethernet optical transport. Most operators believe Ethernet will in fact catch up soon, but standards work must be completed, performance demonstrated, and interoperability proven. |
If an operator puts one in every central office to manage their fibers, then you're talking about a big market: 20,000 COs in the U.S.. |
In general, to have a whole solution like that from a single vendor is really valuable. |
Rollouts of triple-play access infrastructure and business Ethernet services infrastructure will drive demand for reconfigurable optical network systems. Ethernet and triple play will push a lot of traffic onto carrier interoffice facilities and metro core facilities, requiring more than simple, incremental bandwidth additions. The unique transport requirements of these services will force operators to move to a new generation of optical systems and architectures. |
They still think of the core as more of a static thing. |
You don?t have quite the bandwidth requirements, or the density of high-bandwidth customers in one location. |