If only I could have the good fortune to meet some friendly Saint; he might show me the Way to my Beloved Lord God. |
If only I could meet those humble servants of the Lord, O my Beloved. Meeting with them, my sorrows depart. |
If people could gather it in by their own efforts, then everyone would be so lucky. |
If people could meet the Lord by their own efforts, why would they be crying out in the pain of separation? |
If some sinner speaks evil of lord, the Messenger of Death chews him up |
If someone forgets the Beloved Lord, even for an instant, what sort of devotion is that? |
If someone is going to teach me something, let it be that the Lord is pervading the forests and fields. |
If someone tells him the truth, he looks upon that as poison. He cannot tell victory from defeat. This is the way of life in the world of the faithless cynic. |
If someone understands both the disease and the medicine, only then is he a wise physician. |
If the floor of this palace was a mosaic of diamonds and rubies, and if my bed was encased with rubies, and if heavenly beauties, their faces adorned with emeralds, tried to entice me with sensual gestures of love - seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. |
If the individual soul has faith in the Supreme Soul, then it shall obtain realization within its own home. |
If the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, He unites us with Himself. |
If the Lord grants His Grace, then we come to meet the True Guru. |
If the Lord were to set me upon a throne, I would still be His slave. If I were a grass-cutter, I would still chant the Lord's Name. Servant Nanak is the slave of the Lord; contemplate the Glorious Greatness of the Lord |
If the Lord's Name abides within the mind, for a moment, even for an instant, it is like bathing at all the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage. |