20 ordspråk av Stephen Alexander

Stephen Alexander

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 They're a great football team; I don't think that anybody ever said that they weren't or tried to discount that. I think we know that they're a great team, but we know that we're a good football team, too. Not a lot of people give us a lot of credit, but that's fine. We're just going to go out and play football.

 They're all strong guys, physical, smart, heady players. They do a lot of different stuff, at times, especially in some passing situations - they'll have guys everywhere . . . sometimes it's just crazy.

 They're pretty base in what they do. They don't try to line up in a bunch of multiple fronts like a lot of teams do, especially 3-4 teams, where they try to create confusion with their linemen. They've got great run-support safeties who come up and make plays. Their linebackers and defensive line are physical. These guys line up and play football.

 We finally finished a game and put a team away.

 You've seen it coming the past couple weeks.

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