After we have received the information from the Department of Education, we're going to have to go to Congress to show them how much this law affects their own constituents. The government is on notice now that students won't allow them to cover [this] up. |
Before, members of congress were easily able to brush aside the numbers because they weren't available. Now that they have the numbers, they can see how their own constituents are affected. They will have to change the law or face angry voters in the fall. |
Being affected by this law is not something people are looking to advertise. |
Congress has no rational basis to attach financial aid to drug enforcement. |
Congressman Souder wants to decrease drug abuse but encourages it by blocking peoples' access to education. Federal studies show that these efforts do not work. They're hurting our economy and society. |
I think it's important that all members (of Congress) know exactly how many of their constituents' lives have been ruined by this policy. |
I think some nontraditional students will benefit from the partial reform, but unfortunately tens of thousands of students will be left behind without the ability to pay for school. |
It's a victory that some students will be able to get back their aid. But there are still some fundamental problems. |
Kicking students out will only increase drug abuse, which is the exact opposite intention of the law. |
Many of our nation's leaders ... have admitted to past drug use while in college. They didn't get caught for it, but even if they did get caught, they didn't have to worry about not being able to pay tuition ... they are all from well-to-do families. |
Murderers and rapists are still eligible to receive aid. |
Murderers and rapists can apply for federal aid, but a student caught with a single marijuana cigarette is automatically denied. |
Students who cannot afford college tuition on their own probably can't afford private drug programs. |
The first time a student is caught with drugs, they will be denied financial aid for one year. The second time they are caught, two years. The third time, financial aid will be suspended indefinitely. |
The government thought they could intimidate us ... they had no other choice but to give [us the information]. |