On this Thanksgiving weekend our joint work has made it possible for the people of Bosnia to spend New Year's Day in peace for the first time in four years. |
Restrictions on foreign journalists represent a blatant violation of this right and seriously curtail the ability of the world's media to report in West Papua. |
The denial of foreign media access to West Papua suggests an attempt to conceal human rights abuses. |
The events of the last 24 hours are appalling and intolerable. The violent intervention of police and the targeting of journalists during peaceful protests is totally unacceptable. |
The international community should universally condemn China's record as a repressor of journalists' rights and its misuse of laws with the aim of suffocating criticism. China wants to be a major player on the world stage but when it attacks journalists in such a concerted manner it demonstrates that it is a country where the truth is not able to be told. |
The repression of all those daring to resist the autocratic regime represents a severe challenge to the restoration of democracy in Nepal. |
The silencing and censoring of the media will only fuel misinformation and foster conditions for abuse, mistreatment and corruption. |
There can be no press freedom in the Philippines while journalists are forced to live in fear. |
There is a cruel systematic attack on the rights of individual journalists and editors under way in China. The aim is to silence voices that seek the truth. |
This blatant violation of the right of the Nepali people to peaceful assembly and democratic dissent must immediately cease. |
very private and dignified. |
We are answering in the only language that he (Saddam) understands, the language of force, |
We are calling on the king and the authorities in Nepal to respect the rights of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and immediately desist in using violence and intimidation to silence the media in Nepal. |
We are sickened at the beatings and assaults on our colleagues by the RNA and police. |
We are very concerned about the situation in Nepal which seems to be deteriorating rapidly. In the lead up to the one year anniversary of the February 1 coup, civil liberty abuses are still occurring and the Nepalese people's rights to freedom of expression and a free press are being violently and deplorably ignored. |