A battery of field artillery is worth a thousand muskets. |
An Army is a collection of armed men obliged to obey one man. Every change in the rules which impairs the principle weakens the army. |
I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. |
I make up my opinions from facts and reasoning, and not to suit any body but myself. If people don't like my opinions, it makes little difference as I don't solicit their opinions or votes. |
I will accept no commission that would tend to create a rivalry with Grant. I want him to hold what he has earned and got. I have all the rank I want. |
I would define true courage to be a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it. |
I would make this war as severe as possible, and show no symptoms of tiring till the South begs for mercy. |
If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from hell before breakfast. |
If I was forced to choose between the penitentiary and White House for four years, I would say the penitentiary, thank you. |
If you don't have my army supplied, and keep it supplied, we'll eat your mules up, sir. |
It's a disagreeable thing to be whipped. |
My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom. |
The carping and bickering of political factions in the nation's capital reminds me of two pelicans quarreling over a dead fish. |
The scenes on this field would have cured anybody of war. |
The whole army is burning with an insatiable desire to wreak violence upon South Carolina. I almost tremble for her fate. |