I think these two teams will go their own way. ... Viktor Yushchenko and I will go to the elections on parallel paths, |
I'm not going to hide myself away - I'm not going anywhere. |
It is absolutely important to create a coalition urgently. |
No mixture of political blood is possible. |
Of course we will take part in the presidential elections -- there is no doubt about this now. But I did not make this choice, Viktor Andreyevich Yushchenko did under full pressure from his entourage, |
Of course, I will fight for the post of prime minister in the parliamentary elections, |
old repression that (former President Leonid) Kuchma had used against me and my family. |
Our team will fight for the possibility to form the government. We perceive these positions not as a goal, but as an instrument to realize the ideals of the Orange Revolution, ... I don't want people's trust in government to die. |
picking up Kuchma's baton and wanting to get rid of me in the same way. |
The air we are breathing is corrupt. It's not the end of the Orange Revolution; it's the direct action of the Orange Revolution. A public cleansing of society is underway. |
The damage was huge, ... especially the damage to people's souls--the people who stood on Independence Square for the sake of the revolution. . . . This is a big tragedy. |
the president stood up, turned his back and said, 'The conversation is over.' |
The revolution is not yet finished. We must keep fighting to secure power! |
Then the president left, practically breaking down our unity, our perspective, the future of the country, |
There is not merely a chance, but a full certainty that we will win the parliamentary elections. |