So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health. |
Rita Rudner (1955-) |
Rita Rudner (1955-) |
Television is the literature of the illiterate, the culture of the low-brow, the wealth of the poor, the privilege of the underprivileged, the exclusive club of the excluded masses |
The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy clearly reveals that their "luck" arose from |
The problem with the rich young ruler was not that he had riches but rather that the riches had him |
The prosperity of a country is in accordance with its treatment of the aged |
Those who condemn wealth are those who have none and see no chance of getting it |
Those who condemn wealth are those who have none and see no chance of getting it |
True prosperity is the result of well-placed confidence in ourselves and our fellow man. |