Our scoring average compared to any other year was improved, and the fact that we feel that we could've done better is a good sign. |
Our services will be available on a nationwide basis. We are working with nine different independent telephone providers right now. |
Our staff is young with just three sophomores among the 15 pitchers. But we have good depth and athletically we are better overall. |
Our take is really cautious optimism, the business is really building momentum. We're still encouraged by the U.S. revenue outlook. |
Our teachers were 'Yes ma'am, yes sir.' We didn't have long hair. We weren't into the revolution that came a couple of years later. |
Our team is very excited. We have to work on controlling the tempo and improve our shooting, which hurt us against Franklin County. |
Our team played good hockey from the drop of the puck. It was a back and forth game, and the final minute was a reflection of that. |
Our team was maybe a little satisfied coming into the game. Right now we're just trying to find something to motivate them (again). |
Our thoughts are with the Herrion family and the 49ers. We will be in contact with the 49ers to learn the details of what happened. |
Our three guards really played outstanding. They all three just made some really solid decisions and took some great looking shots. |
Our top 3 teams all made it into the round of 32 but all of them lost in that round, and a couple of them had really close matches. |
Our U.S. and Canadian distribution teams performed well and built on the momentum they generated in the second half of fiscal 2005. |
Our understanding is that this decision is a positive development since it removes the risk of the death penalty being carried out. |
Our whole purpose here is to create a dialogue. Health care is a mess, a real mess. And nobody seems to be doing anything about it. |
Over here we've got a group working on how to get in windows; get up to the roof. You can't get enough of this; can't do it enough. |