The statement to the sergeant was made under markedly different circumstances than the two-hour statement several days later to investigators. |
The steps we're announcing today support our goals to run a healthy business, offer stability to our employees, and enhance shareholder value. |
The stores [in Washington, D.C.] were just jam-packed, ... That's exactly what you want to see -- not just shoppers, but people carrying bags. |
The story of the (oil) market these days is wild swings. Geopolitical events could surface at any moment that could lead to a temporary spike. |
The story played out first in oil, but it's the same story about underlying strong demand growth and finite capacity for supply side to react. |
The strength obviously in this quarter is in the commercial airliner business, and it's going to be that way for the next three or four years. |
The students come in for several reasons. Some want to have fun with their friends, and others might have dreams of competing in the Olympics. |
The style I want to play will be dictated by the collective talent of the team. I did ask John for some tape. I've never seen this group play. |
The subject of a vicious and false attack. Those are the kinds of things people should be looking for and be very careful and concerned about. |
The success of the show is when I get a fax or a letter from somebody who gave up drinking, who didn't get an abortion, didn't do an adoption, |
The Super Bowl is over, Hurricane Katrina is finished, there are no hurricanes brewing in the Gulf. This will be big until the next big event. |
The survey just looked at registered Latino voters. Had it included non-voters and non-citizens, the numbers likely would have been different. |
The taxpayers of the entire district have subsidized everything we've done for years. That is something the board does not want to make worse. |
The team needs a few matches to learn to play together. It's completely normal that the team and the new coach have to get used to each other. |