The more information you have, the better choice you're going to make. If you just believe the marketing, you're probably not going to end up with the best deal. |
The more people are afraid, the more they will demand security policies rather than social policies. That is precisely what is not in the interest of these kids. |
The more technical moves are harder for them. But older people can still do ground-level things. No matter how old you are you can always improve your technique. |
The more this (details of the swap) is delayed, the more the market will be pushed down. But the problem of (energy) rationing is also hitting us hard right now. |
The more volunteers we have, the better service we can provide to all our veterans who need transportation to the Indianapolis VA for appointments and treatment, |
The more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire. |
The most important part to keeping us intimidating is being physical overall. If they know one of us is coming, they're going to brace themselves for a hard hit. |
The most important race of his life is coming up in a couple of days, and he's talking about what he can do to give back. I was so humbled to meet such a person. |
The most important thing is to support work on search and rescue to get those people who are injured, then immediately to look after the people who are homeless. |
The most important thing is who you hire on your staff, ... You have to hire people who are solid coaches in the NFL. Many college coaches don't know NFL people. |
The move is significant in the sense that it signals the authorities in China are now acting to reduce rates of economic growth, despite low levels of inflation. |
The mullahs of the Islamic world and the mullahs of the Hindu world and the mullahs of the Christian world are all on the same side. And we are against them all. |
The municipal league provides a network so if I have a problem, I know there is a pool of information and knowledge from other finance officers across the state. |