This is a similar point in the business cycle to when Greenspan took over the reins of the Fed. And of course he was tested right away with the 1987 stock market crash. |
This is a subpoena for information, and we're cooperating with the subpoena. Because this is an ongoing inquiry, we're not in a position to make much more of a comment. |
This is a type of game that when you talk about the Philadelphia Eagles and the struggle of getting to our goal, and that's the Super Bowl, this would be a great story. |
This is a very clear warning to the king that even people supportive of the monarchy want him to only have a ceremonial role and the anger on the streets reflects that. |
This is a very odd case for us, because even though we have one of the largest school systems in the state, we don't have a lot of teacher (or) educator fraternization. |
This is a way for young people to spend New Year's Eve with their families and also a way for people to see you can have a wonderfully good time without getting wasted. |
This is about accepting or refusing the principle that it is possible to laugh at, or even just criticize, a mentality, a religion, a way of understanding spirituality. |
This is about one of those moments in history we don't want to miss. We want to get it right, ... Justice Sunday II: God Save the United States and The Honorable Court. |
This is all about execution, ... This management team is totally committed to advancing our business strategies. Rick's directions and initiatives were, in fact, right. |
This is an age-old pump-and-dump scheme with a brand new disguise. Fraudsters are quick to exploit every new crisis or catastrophe to peddle their get-rich-quick scams. |
This is an example of an experienced underwriter timing the deal in all but an absent market, ... They held back until they knew it was a good market to launch the IPO. |
This is another vicious atrocity with terrorist impact, ... The device has similarities to the device that exploded in Brixton with terrible consequences last Saturday. |
This is definitely an issue that needs to be looked at. The level of compensation we get is high. The question is: should we be compensated at this level? Probably not. |
This is definitely the time of year to get things started. For some people, it's a bitter message. There are things that you don't like doing. But they have to be done. |
This is fun; it's March and we're still here playing. Everyone is tired and exhausted but we don't care. We're playing in the NCAA Tournament where anything can happen. |