That's why we go through preseason, for guys to get it in their heads, `You've got to trust other guys,' even though all of us feel we have the ability to take over the game, |
The 'fire' present in our body helps in keeping us alive. Therefore, to maintain the required body-temperature, it is important that we nourish our body with nutritious food. |
The 'threat' still remains unclear, to speculate that a war may erupt is premature, at this stage the result could go either way [in terms of a negative or positive outcome]. |
The [pornography market] is already well served. There was no need to take our resources and work on that problem. The problem of non-pornography turned out to be non-served. |
The abolishment could lead to a rise in coal prices immediately. Furthermore, increases may also arise in power tariff as a result of the country's price pass-through system. |
The accounting problems in the U.S. seem to have crossed a significant hurdle on Wednesday, and the external pressures on the Japanese market in general have probably peaked. |
The action this week does indicate that the recovery horizon has been pushed out further. Investors are now pushing the horizon into the next year or perhaps even after that. |
The actual medical condition of people in the ICU is still being evaluated, ... Currently everyone is considered stable. I do not expect that we will have any further deaths. |
The addition of these spray fields will be two-fold. Besides allowing for future and current needs, it allows us to more effectively rotate our other fields and replant them. |
The administration is walking a very tight rope here, ... because they want to support Libby, but they don't want to be seen as strong-arming Republican supporters for money. |
The aim is to have people spread apart so that people can walk their bikes and skateboard slowly. We want people to be able to get where they want to go, but to do so safely. |
The Americans traditionally picked some mid-amateurs. They've gone with all college kids this year. They seem to be copying things we've done and maybe discarded in the past. |
The appearance of other interested parties will inevitably force an open and transparent tender or bidding process for the frequencies. May the best one win, as it should be. |
The areas measured are starting a business; hiring and firing workers; enforcing contracts; registering property; getting credit; protecting investors and closing a business, |