The wind played a bit of a factor. It kind of affected our play, but when you had that wind to your back it became easy to serve the ball up or shoot it from 40-50 yards out. |
The woman who appeals to a man's vanity may stimulate him, the woman who appeals to his heart may attract him, but it is the woman who appeals to his imagination who gets him |
The World Cup increases awareness about our sport, and that's a good thing. But for the players who go, it can often be hard to get back into the mind-set of a league season. |
The world's most avid amateur beer enthusiasts participated. Because of their amateur status there were no minced words in the reviews -- beers were rated frankly and freely. |
Their bench played a good game. Almost every team we're going to play is going to have more depth than us, so we've got to get the most out of each player as we possibly can. |
Their coach told me afterward that this place is crazy. But for the sectionals we'll have to use the gym and roll out the bleachers. It still will be good to wrestle at home. |
Their defense really complements their offense. The offense gets up on you, and then the defense is able to basically stay in the nickel and really get after the quarterback. |
Their hopes are clearly pinned on mobile for the future. As usual, they say they can turn it around. But like the Dell guys a couple of months ago, management seemed rattled. |
Their labor is in real denial. From a political standpoint things have to get worse before labor comes around. It's very clear they choose not to get it or they don't get it. |
Their pitcher did a great job. He kept the ball down, moved it in and out and generally kept us off-balance. And we didn't do a very good job attacking the ball today at all. |