If the Legislature passes USTAR and funds it as being requested, this will set off an explosion that will have a dramatic impact and a dramatic return to our state and to our economy. |
If the Supreme Court acknowledges that mental illness is real and literally affects the cognition of the (defendant) ... I think that will have far-reaching impact across the country. |
If the union wanted to go on strike, they could have gone on strike on the Fourth of July. But they know, by scheduling for this time of year, that it's going to hurt the people most. |
If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: / For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. |
If there is anything more dangerous to the life of the mind than having no independent commitment to ideas, it is having an excess of commitment to some special and constricting idea. |
If there is one point we try to drive home, it is: Use your head. A very high percentage of our thefts are because people don't lock their cars and make it difficult for opportunists. |
If there was ever an agency in need of oversight, FEMA is it. It's a very big management job, and because of the nature of the work they do, they have only one chance to get it right. |
If there's no sign that the EU can put a better offer on the table, ... I'm sure that there will be those who will say at the table, they're not interested in looking at other issues. |
If these regulations are tough, and if they are sound, then there may be some wisdom to it. The real question is, is the standard better than a jury could come up with during a trial? |
If they don't have a plan, it may be a sign of good intentions, but bad management. It may not be evidence of fraud, but it may indicate whether the donation will be used effectively. |
If they get a DVD player and like it, they'll say, 'Why don't I look at the TV as well?' And when little else is different, they'll go for price. The risk is justified in the savings. |
If they haven't put up with pressure, the pressure's going to be a whole other element. So we want to put that pressure on them now. ... Gassers are really nothing compared to a loss. |
If they want a poster boy for the Energy Hog, they can put President Bush's mug up there for jetting around the country for useless photo ops to try to bring his poll numbers back up, |
If this truly is a war of ideas, the idea that people can be held indefinitely without charge or trial is a powerful idea indeed. And it's an idea that is serving our enemies. Not us. |
If this were a national foreign policy crisis, we would be on the floor this week, ... We should be on the floor this week, talking about ideas that would begin to solve this problem. |