Given the very strong correlation which exists between the trade-weighted rand and the commodity indices, it is extremely difficult to call for a weaker rand in the current environment. |
Glen has been making big shots for us. Any time a team commits to the double team on Yao (Ming), we have been doing a great job of making them pay, especially towards the end of a game. |
Gloucestershire police must be the envy of the human rights-abusing cop world. From Turkey to Indonesia they will say, 'Kidnapping peace protestors! How did they get away with that one? |
Go excess volume: more of a bend in the fringe, more of a bend in the sides, tighter curls -- because as the night goes on it's going to drop. Go bigger than you feel comfortable going. |
Going in, we didn't think Tommy was going to be able to play this week, (but) he looked pretty good. And Charlie has worked hard on the show team, and he looked good and did a good job. |
Gold's $40 range between $540 and $580 may be tough to break anytime soon. The range is just wide enough to put the market in oversold territory at the bottom and overbought at the top. |
Gomez had a perfect night. Their inside players played really well. They are bigger than we are across the board and we didn't respond by playing harder or going to the basket stronger. |
Grandma is our signature clown. She's a curious little old lady who wants to get involved in everything and anything. She's always wanted to be in the movies, so she moved to Hollywood. |
Great companies look at where they do business and think not only that it's necessary to do business, but it's also necessary to be a good corporate citizen and support where they live, |
Greenwich continues to surpass many small markets in the United States and we believe it will continue on that path as long as the hedge fund-related companies remain a growth industry. |
Guys are being respectful of the situation, how tough it is for everybody, the organization, our fans, T.K., everybody. You've got to respect that. You respect that as long as it takes. |
Guys might be afraid to say things in team meetings with everyone listening, so we'll try it this way. It's not that I'm mad. I still believe in them. They're trying. That's all we ask. |
Guys that have got it done in the past, they know how to elevate their game at the right time. There is a connection there. Guys have that attitude and expectation of themselves to win. |