He's going to flip over to the Veterans Committee next year, ... It's just too bad things couldn't have happened early when he was banned from the game, coming clean. It would be a whole different story. |
He's going to play hard and compete, and that's all I want. How it all plays out as far as tackles and pressures, I don't know. But I know if he's on the field, he's going to give me everything he's got. |
He's got a good combination of power and finesse. One of his biggest advantages is the ability to adjust his style to whatever his opponent gives him. He's able to capitalize on his opponents weaknesses. |
He's got some significant rehab to go through, but he's making progress every day. He's doing quite well — we expect a full recovery. He's absolutely planning on being back at UNC in the fall semester. |
He's got the chance to end up being a real good center fielder. He needs work on balls over his head, but what new outfielder doesn't? He's got a plus arm, he's a bright kid and he's got a good approach. |
He's incredible and he's Hispanic, ... and I think the Democrats saw that and thought, 'The reason he's being nominated for a lower court is he's the next Supreme Court nominee, so let's block him now.' |
He's not moving as well as we know he can, and we're having trouble figuring it out. He's going to have a nuclear scan. It's one of those things where he could be back to us next week or in three months. |
He's not trying to track all illegal aliens. He's trying to track those with a criminal record. I support the sheriff tracking anyone - illegal aliens or otherwise - if they have committed criminal acts. |
He's obviously been very solid and somebody you can count on to go out and play well and to represent his country. He thrives on it. He's a grinder, he's got that bulldog mentality that he hates to lose. |
He's one of those players who will hang in there. He'll chase a bloke he can't catch, he'll back up even though he can't see the ball. I reckon he's a great example to kids of what happens if you dig in. |
He's pretty good and he's one of those kids that's earned everything that he's gotten. He's the first guy in the gym and the last guy to leave and we like having him out there with the ball in his hands. |
He's pretty smart pitcher. He studies prior to the game and has a plan when he goes out. He's been able to keep the ball down and he's come up with a change-up that helps him against left-handed hitting. |
He's really made some strides in learning how to handle things in the half court. His decision making in the last three or four games has been better, so his productivity in terms of scoring has gone up. |
He's someone who can really pass the basketball and can score it and make his teammates better around him. We're really excited to finish the six recruits off with him being the last piece of the puzzle. |
He's someone who isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's a prime-time player and excels on a big stage. I think he's obviously accomplished a lot and is a catalyst. He's somebody that kids can rally around. |