Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era - it's a process that creates order out of chaos, that renders technology usable to business. Design means being good, not just looking good. |
Despite oil price tensions and strengthening domestic demand, the inflation performance remains subdued. Barring another oil spike, the headline rate is likely to ease further during the course of the year. |
Details of how to get a subscription drug benefit available to senior citizens was recently put online but only 27% of over-65's have net access, meaning people were lacking information about a key benefit, |
Development is going to go full-speed ahead. That's why we're talking to the development community as well. We want to make them aware of the problems in the neighborhoods. We're going to find this balance. |
Devin is getting close. He'll be the first one to say 'I'm not where I want to be.' But I'm kind of pleased right now because he's able to do the type of performance he did today, with a workout in between. |
Dictators like violence, ... If you use violence against dictators they are happy. You must undermine them by supporting positive democratic forces, not by creating conflict. Milosevic is good in conflicts. |
Different things come up and you can't simulate a game, ... I've been practicing, taking ground balls, [but] different things come up in the game that you take home and learn from. You still have to adjust. |
Different towns have different crowds. It's pretty quiet in San Fernando. The population is generally poor. People want their kids to see the animals. In more affluent areas, we tend to see more protesters. |
Disney can give advertisers very specific demographic information about each viewer, so you might get a very different ad than your wife would and a completely different ad than your teenage daughter would. |
Do not go to the garden of flowers! O friend! go not there; In your body is the garden of flowers. Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beauty. |
Domestic animals revolutionized land transport. They also revolutionized agriculture, by letting one farmer plough and manure much more land than the farmer could till or manure by the farmer's own efforts. |
Dundee just outmanned us. They have 12 seniors and several kids who weigh 250 pounds or more. Our biggest goes 210, and we have 12 sophomores and one freshman on the team. We're athletic, but we're not big. |
During class, our teaching is often aimed at white students or the white norm. Faculty members should be encouraged to create a curriculum where students of color and white students are represented equally. |
During the second half of this year (1999) we took aggressive action to return Compaq to profitable growth, and fourth-quarter results reflect our initial success where it matters most - in the marketplace, |