If not for the strong earnings, I think the market would be a lot weaker than it is. But that's not enough to lift the market out of a trading range. There's just too much uncertainty for markets to move higher. |
If one of these links in a small business' supply-and-demand chain is broken due to a computer system that is not Y2K compliant, it would lead to irreparable damage to a business that lacks a large capital pool, |
If our team was loaded and had everybody in it and we were making the mistakes we're making now, you'd have a very upset coaching staff. But there's big picture stuff going on and we've got to keep it realistic. |
If responsibility is not in the hands of the Iraqi government, then I consider the responsibility for this event lies with the occupation forces which should either leave immediately or according to a timetable. |
If someone's finances become tighter, extending the loan could be helpful if it allows them to stay current on their bills as opposed to falling behind. When things get better they can pay more than the minimum. |
If that's the case then so be it although I'm sure our fans wouldn't feel such a tie had a true 'European' feel to it, they'll much rather get on a plane and get away for a few days to somewhere a bit different. |
If that's the way we're going to play, we're not going to go very far come tournament time. If we don't get our game together team wise and quite being a bunch of individuals out there this is what you will see. |
If the administration doesn't pay attention to this, they will lose support. Americans are getting killed; billions are being spent. And even when we design the constitution it doesn't protect religious freedom. |
If the business district feels [the streetcar is] that important, let the business district step up. If the development community feels it has caused that much development, let the development community step up. |
If the community of Bigfork does not write its future, the county will write it for us and we will not have a say in such important topics as zoning. The community needs to take charge and write its own destiny. |
If the Fed stops raising rates, the market will blame them if inflation gets too hot, and if they keep cranking up interest rates, then the real estate market is at risk. It's a somewhat challenging environment. |
If the Fed were to pause, what does it actually do for anybody ... in the afflicted Gulf region? At this point they're more concerned with basic food and shelter and not really comparison-shopping for mortgages. |
If the IRS never conducted audits, what do you think would happen to people paying taxes in this country? If the public knows the IRS never conducts audits, don't you think there will be an increase in problems? |
If the state Supreme Court decides to rule in favor of gay marriage, there's a very strong shot that we in New Jersey won't have to go through the years of legislative threats that are going on in Massachusetts. |
If the storm direction has not changed, I see no reason why people would get panicky about this. We've seen pre-storm selling in the last couple of storms, and there is no sign of demand coming in at the moment. |