The Great American Cleanup allows us to branch out from the Adopt-A-Street program to other communities and schools. It also gives us an opportunity to visit schools and teach about litter prevention and recycling. |
The Great Idea in advertising is far more than the sum of the recognition scores, the ratings and all the other superficial indicators of its success; it is in the realm of myth, to which measurements cannot apply. |
The Great Idea in advertising is far more than the sum of the recognition scores, the ratings and all the other superficial indicators of its success; it is in the realm of myth, to which measurements cannot apply. |
The Great Idea in advertising is far more than the sum of the recognition scores, the ratings and all the other superficial indicators of its success; it is in the realm of myth, to which measurements cannot apply. |
The great majority of surveyed executives are using faint praise to suggest there's a sizeable gap between what their finance department could be and what it is. The gap appears to widen at the business unit level. |
Kate Millett (1934-) |
The great thing that's happened this year is he has stayed clean from drug addiction. That's a miracle in itself, and more important than the wins and losses, the walks and strikeouts. He's making a huge life step. |
The greatest thing that ever happened to me. I got to go all over the world, never cost me a dime. He re-broke his leg, and he's about two inches shorter but he's walking better than ever... I love both those guys. |
The growing unrest across the country is being reflected here. Senator Warner did not want to put Republicans in a difficult situation of just voting against Levin, so he gave the Republicans something to vote for. |
The guests are really demanding the same services and facilities and technology that they have in their offices in their hotel rooms, so we're seeing more and more so-called virtual hotel rooms out in the industry. |
The guy who started the museum in Berlin is a huge RAMONES fan, ... His name is Florian . In fact, every time I would come there, he would be at the shows, and he must have attended every show we played in Germany. |
The guys know the importance of this weekend. I talked to them a little bit this morning. We're 0-2 in the Big Ten Conference and that's not what we want. We gotta start things off on the right foot tomorrow night. |
The guys started calling him 'Mitt' instead of Matt. He was playing with an injury I would not anticipate a kid playing with, but he played so well the guys said they were never going to let him take that claw off. |
The hearing process can take a while and we just couldn't wait that long. We needed to have someone in place, and (Just) was already on staff. But we'll still see how the appeals process plays out regarding Dustin. |
The Heisman Trophy was originally made out for the best football player in America, but I think it's been redefined recently because of the fact it's now the best player on one of the five, six or seven best teams. |