The typical rate is 75 cents for each $100 of loan coverage per month. So your credit card charges a 15 percent finance charge and the insurance adds another 8 or 9 percent. That's not an insignificant amount of money. |
The U.S. case is more important because of the economic implications, ... It [the U.K. ruling] is a nice psychological boost but you can't extrapolate the U.S. ruling from this because of the different legal standards. |
The United States has requested NATO relief support in the form of food supplies. NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center (EADRCC) is coordinating responses to this request by allies and NATO partners, |
The United States has requested NATO relief support in the form of food supplies. NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center (EADRCC) is coordinating responses to this request by allies and NATO partners. |
The very first bag was probably a fistful of skins tied to a bit of stick, a provisional container for food and flint. From these simple beginnings, the bag has blossomed into every form, color and material imaginable. |
The veto is a great victory for Wisconsin consumers, particularly lower-income consumers, who represent the bulk of rent-to-own customers. It shows that they will continue to be protected by the Wisconsin Consumer Act. |
The way I look at it, I expect him to repeat as state champion, I'll put it that way because I think he earned the state title. I have no doubt he'll do it again, but this time he'll have the gold medal to show for it. |
The way Taylor (Walsh) took that first shot really made a statement. We came out of the box early. We showed a lot of maturity and leadership being ready for this match after a tough loss. Getting an early goal helped. |
The way the players are with each other, everyone gets on, there's no problems at all, it's the best atmosphere I've ever had. Confidence is very high. To have the players and the atmosphere we have will help us a lot. |
The way we passed the basketball and found the open shooters was nice. You can tell them something and three to four minutes had passed and they remembered it. We put up 114 points without Shawn and that's encouraging. |
The weird thing about this business - and I'm sure this operates in many other things, but it's very present and acute in this business - is that a lot of people don't realize that they have power. Particularly actors. |
The whole thing with the power of prayer in our minds is true. And a lot of what has happened, and the strength he has gained back and progress he's made, without sounding corny, I think a lot is attributed to prayers. |
The winner is very impressive and a very great-looking horse that we thought would win if we didn't. I didn't expect to run third, but he did gallop out well after the race and came back to the barn in very good shape. |
The world wants Microsoft to build secure products. The world does not want Microsoft to become a security software vendor. Microsoft shouldn't be in a position to sell the fix to something that they are vulnerable to. |