If the Democratic Organization has accepted donations from Jack Morris, how can the freeholders award tax-dollar subsidies for this project? To avoid this impropriety, they should let the voter decide on the use of revenue by a referendum. |
If the plan were simply to carry cots, to deliver supplies, to rescue people, we would be talking about a plan that included, as a feature, no armored vehicles and no armed soldiers, ... I haven't heard a peep about that from the Pentagon. |
If the Resource Center wants a dialogue for reconciliation or to find common ground, this is not the guy to do it. It's like throwing a match on gasoline. We would prefer he had never been invited because he doesn't add much to the debate. |
If there is to be eventually, over time, a genuine peace and reconciliation, there has to be a sharp reduction -- hopefully an elimination -- of the kind of incitement and hatred and demonization that has so far characterized the conflict, |
If there's any kind of wrongdoing, it should be reported immediately to authorities and it should be dealt with promptly. That certainly is what we look for as we have come through a learning process that has been constructive and painful. |
If these people are going out for a long-term evacuation, they don't want to be in big gymnasiums, ... You've got families, you've got pregnant mothers, you've got mothers breast-feeding children. They need a degree of privacy and comfort. |
If they get to use their speed, they are good and, yeah, they did. You get down 2-0 and start taking chances, and they come on. We played into their hands. At least we're going home. If we win the next game, we're right back in the series. |
If they win their games in hand they'll just be a point behind us and nothing is for sure so to come out with some sort of silverware would be nice so we'll be going after this game as if it counted towards the league and trying to win it. |
If they're in cell block 1A or 1B, these prisoners - they're murderers, they're terrorists, they're insurgents. Many of them probably have American blood on their hands. And here we're so concerned about the treatment of those individuals. |
If they're playing these from 10 to 18 [years old] and then going into the workplace where they're on a computer eight hours a day, what's going to happen? As children, they've had all these little micro-traumas. Is it going to carry over? |
If this is confirmed, it will reinforce our suspicion that the December performance was inflated by many consumers opening their wallets to treat their families and themselves at Christmas having held back their spending over much of 2005. |
If this leads to the shut-off of Iranian oil, I think it would probably mean we've got bigger problems than the price of oil. But if we end up with a 1970s-style oil embargo, we could see prices go markedly higher into uncharted territory. |
If volumes are flat, which is what both FedEx and UPS warned a couple of weeks ago, there's no way shippers are going to pay it. It's very pie in the sky. Unless they're going to shrink their business, there's no way they'll get that rate. |