Tiger Woods (1975-) |
That's the way I want to play this week. I said to Ricci [Roberts, his caddie], 'I want to play the way you play in U.S. Opens, get the ball in play.' Not always hammer your drive out there. That little bit of rough, it's rough now. You've got to be careful how the ball comes out there. |
That's the way they wanted to approach it. Miami made an offer but was told it was not acceptable. We chose not to. We decided to wait and see if we have a chance in free agency to get him. Unless we had permission to first explore everything involved, we weren't going to make an offer. |
That's why I love playing here. You work so hard to get to (the World Series) and if, in fact, it comes about, there's only a few cities that really, truly genuinely appreciate that. There's only a few teams that I want to win a World Series with. Boston was one, and Chicago is another. |
That's why the sponsors see this partnership as a customer retention and business development opportunity as well. In addition to their enhanced exposure during the exhibition, the hotels accommodate visitors and the airlines transport hundreds of buyers from various parts of the world. |
The ability to spend a million dollars on a video, maybe a million on radio promotion-- that's all dependent on people buying a $17 expression of the product. If people spend 1/17 of that, then all of these shoulda-been multi-platinum records are underwater. And that's what's happening. |
The administration is in a bubble sitting in the green zone surrounded by barricades and barriers. You can say, 'In this village we built a clinic.' But where is that village? Is it where most of the people live? In Baghdad, where most of the people live reporters see nothing but chaos. |
The bands that I respect are the ones that have lasted the longest. Any band that can keep being a band is [lucky] because the music industry is [in bad shape] and [is only getting] worse. We hope and pray that we still get to play rock shows in five years and that people still show up. |
The best thing that came out of this is they really got their eyes opened to what they can accomplish over the next couple of years. We can talk all day long about how good they can be and what they're capable of doing, but to actually see their names up there, I think that shows a lot. |
Billy Graham (1918-) |
The Biblical record itself makes it plain that the days of creation are literal days, not long indefinite ages. If he wished to convey the idea of long geological ages, however, he could surely have done it far more clearly and effectively in other words than in those which he selected. |
The biggest challenge to closing a facility is that the doctors leave, but the debt on the building - like a mortgage on a home - stays and must be paid. If everyone was affected, it might mitigate against the out-migration of doctors and get Buffalo to a right-sized hospital community. |
The bottom line is that the faculty will approve all of these courses that are included in this index. It will have to be revisited annually. If people want to add courses, we'll have an opportunity for institutions to revise their syllabi and their courses so that they're more in line. |