The recent restructuring of the organization has gone well and continues on schedule, ... The restructuring enables us to provide the resources and talent to support continued growth in these two businesses, and positions us to continue to search for investment and acquisition opportunities. |
The Republicans don't have to do much in terms of southern and southwest Missouri. It just matches ? the economic conservatism, the social conservatism, the moral conservatism. ... But statewide ... there's more of a danger as we see the impacts of these cuts in the state budget come across. |
The research team was surprised to find out more than 50 percent of four-year students were not in the proficient category and 75 percent of the two-year students were not. The proficient category does involve some of the more complex literacy tasks, but some that we would expect them to do. |
The results are good but the expectations for the bank meeting the return on equity target have been priced into the stock. Deutsche Bank has not yet addressed the issue of its new strategic step. They're relying too much on revenue streams that are highly volatile, for example fixed income. |
The results in Guatemala and Costa Rica were not that critical to me. This one (against Panama) is. This is the one I want to win so we can end the year on a high note and at the same time, give some promising players some opportunities to play and start formulating some strategies for 2006. |
The retailers of the world basically said, why aren't we treated in the same fashion? State governments are getting sales tax. Local governments are getting sales tax. Local governments are getting meals and lodging taxes. And all of that is a derivative of our investment in their community. |
The ring can be a real lonely place. I've been fighting 20 years, ever since my dad took me into the gym at the age of eight because I'd been fighting kids at elementary school. The first guy I fought in the gym gave me a real whipping. So I decided there and then to become a proper fighter. |
The scope of this tragedy is becoming more evident as time passes, and LSU 's focus is on assisting in the recovery effort of our state, ... LSU is a primary evacuation site and we are not going to conduct any activities that could deter from our mission of assisting in the recovery mission. |
The search for conspiracy only increases the elements of morbidity and paranoia and fantasy in this country. It romanticizes crimes that are terrible because of their lack of purpose. It obscures our necessary understanding, all of us, that in this life there is often tragedy without reason. |
The season has gone in cycles. Guys that ran really strong at the beginning of the year maybe haven't run as strong in the middle. There's no reason that cycle can't come to us as well, and I'm sure that there are teams out there that would prefer not to find out if that cycle comes our way. |
The Southern California folks who are bailing out, we would like them to come to Phoenix, ... We are going to explain to them the housing cost disparity here compared to LA. . . . We know an officer in Phoenix, after a few years, can afford to buy a home. LA is the only place we can do this. |
The spread of democracy, the new foundation of the rule of law, and the creation of fledgling representative governments that honor and respect human rights-together these actions spell out the increasing marginalization of the terrorists, as they have fewer and fewer places to run and hide. |
The state unemployment rate probably won't go much lower than it is. I doubt it will get back to the mid-2 percent range that we had in 2001. Virginia is attracting people from other places. They are finding work pretty quick, but while they are looking for work, it does add to unemployment. |
The statement is so general, it really doesn't tell you much. It's kind of what everyone knew already: If you cooperate, it's going to help you. If senior management were involved, it's going to be a problem. How extensive the wrongdoing was and what time frame it covered will be considered. |