Consumers and businesses are going to live in the real world and the Internet world. The lesson is: Traditional companies that are tied into the Internet ought to have more growth and Internet companies that are tied into more traditional companies should have more profitability and stability. |
Consumers have told us that they would eat more whole grains if they had easy, delicious and simple recipes incorporating them. We hope this contest will eliminate these obstacles, raising awareness about how easily whole grains can become part of one's diet and just how delicious they can be. |
Courts in Florida have received expert testimony from prominent neurosurgeons and neurologists throughout the country, ... The evidence provided by a standard of clear and convincing evidence is that it is Mrs. Schiavo's wish that she not be allowed to continue in a persistent vegetative state |
CSS is the most mature segment and, as such, many of the traditional call center technologies are becoming more commoditized. However, there is also more interest in technologies specific to areas such as analytics and workforce optimization, so we see positive but modest growth going forward. |
Declining population may have a potential negative impact on the economy from the labor side. But the contribution of labor is not very big in terms of the potential growth rate of Japan's economy. If companies expand capacity and capital, that may help offset the negatives of labor reduction. |
Defendants have the right to have counsel appointed for them. They don't have the right to insist on which lawyer will be appointed for them. As long as the lawyers are professional and competent, the judge is not going to let the defendant dictate to the judge which lawyer will represent him. |
Defense is the variable you have control over. Shooting the percentage we shot from the 3-point line is not a realistic expectation and being able to score at will from the block is not a realistic expectation. You should have high expectations of yourself defensively because that's about you. |
Definitely, he is a very good athlete. He has the potential to take over a game, but they are one of those teams where you have to pick your spots. It's not only Perkins, it's (tailback Andrew) Taylor, it's (fullback Matt) Morris, it's (running back Nick) Covert. They are a very balanced team. |
Dell is outperforming us. We're doing better than Compaq, but we're hanging in there. We're trying to make sure in this business we're not losing a lot of money. It's not hurting us economically, it's not impacting our earnings per share, but we're not doing what Dell is doing in the industry. |
Despite the best efforts of the F.C.C. to create competition, after the bubble burst, there weren't any competitive alternative to the Bells. Now that the cable operators are able to offer voice service to complement their high-speed data, commercial services are a cherry waiting to be picked. |
Despite the fact that to date our company ranks first in the world for oil reserves (according to the generally accepted international methods of assessment), a pace of development of no less than 7% a year is planned for our company. This calls for constant increases in our raw material base. |
DHS' role is that of a steward of data about the use of the law. This is a law, not a DHS program, and our only legal role is to report accurate aggregate data about the use of the law. It is critical that we have accurate data so that informed ethical, legal and medical decisions can be made. |
Dick has had involvement with every aspect of an NFL team, outside of coaching and scouting. His legal expertise, his working knowledge of the business, his relationships at the league office and the respect he has already earned around the league will be a significant asset for the franchise. |
Do you mind? Excuse me if I don't offer you any. This marijuana's often too strong for my visitors. I had to resuscitate one guy for almost an hour once. You know, a higher percentage of people here grow their own marijuana than probably anywhere. It's typically Czech: a do-it-yourself nation. |