They'll want to see him tested. Greenspan had, in a sense, the good fortune that there was a crisis (Black Monday, Oct. 19, when the Dow lost more than 20%) within the two months of the time he acceded to the chairmanship, and he handled the crisis very well. That established him in the market as a credible chairman. |
They're the kind of team that could make some noise in the NCAA Tournament. We were playing for a (league) championship today, but they were playing for the (NCAA) tournament. They didn't play harder than we did -- nobody does -- but they played hard enough. I thought they wore us down with their offensive execution. |
They've been very well received with shoppers and people don't have problems with the new technology. We wanted to give customers a choice at the front end so that they could pay and leave quickly. The self-checkout has also allowed us to move staff away from registers and improve service in other areas of the store. |
This country and our Constitution guarantee freedom of speech and association. Censorship at our borders is directly contrary to fundamental American values. Attempts to suppress freedom of speech and association are beneath our country - not to mention a waste of government resources intended to keep Americans safe. |
This discovery sheds new light on the biological causes of the disease. Importantly, virtually all of this risk can be captured by looking at a single-letter change in DNA -- ideal for the development of a genetic test for assessing individual risk and developing more personalized and effective prevention strategies. |
This discrepancy is likely due to the fact that we are in the early stages of an evolution in mobility. With single-purpose products disappearing as functionality converges, consumers are resisting making a choice. But our research shows that in time, mobility will be adopted widely. The mobility evolution has begun. |
This election shows how Koizumi is in a league of his own in his political skills and media savvy. He did the impossible. He managed to convince the electorate that his party, which was opposed to his own reforms, was for change, and that the Democratic Party, which was a party founded for reform, was against change. |
This exhibition has been many years in the making and we are pleased to present this beautiful and stimulating body of work to a broad national audience. Looking at all of the photographs in the exhibition, I am still struck by the diversity of artistic expressions to the form, atmosphere and symbolism of the garden. |
This grant gives us the opportunity to build on the historic young voter turnout in the last presidential election by encouraging the development of effective, replicable strategies for increasing young voter participation while significantly boosting youth registration and turnout in the upcoming mid-term elections. |
This has forced, really, a revolution in the way that we take care of our patients. What we've learned is how to manage pain better, we've learned to operate more efficiently and we've learned how to manage these patients in a way that we can get them home quickly -- provided, of course, they're in a safe atmosphere. |
This is a continued cry for help from the people stuck in traffic each day whose only option is to grip the steering wheel tighter. This is both a state and a regional failure to address the problem. We've really shortchanged infrastructure in the state and in the region over the past decade, and it's taken its toll. |
This is a sign that the committee is beginning to think aloud about shifting to a more neutral position - but the forecast of significantly slower growth will have to come first. For now, the elevated headline inflation rate and the tight pool of available labor remain bigger concerns, so the Fed's guard is still up. |
This is almost the best of all possible worlds, where labor is making money, and yet corporations have been able to offset that with productivity, and keep it themselves in terms of profits. It reminds everyone of the important contributions technology has been making to increased productivity in tight labor markets. |
This is an area that has performed better than the national economy for quite a while now. We have one of the highest per capita income numbers. We have some of the lowest unemployment numbers. People have jobs and are basically happy and are able to buy things. If they have a lot of money they need banking services. |
This is consistent with the idea that slack resources have been taken up in the economy. There is considerable momentum and this is the sort of environment where inflation pressures can spill over and actually cause an increase in the rate of inflation, so it is a bit early for them (the Fed) to lay down their saber. |