Obviously, we don't condone this type of behavior. We will say that all three deputies came forward when we approached them with this information, which we received in an anonymous letter. From the get-go, we believe that they were truthful with us, and certainly that helps their cases, because it's hard to prove these things. |
Oh yeah, I was definitely keeping track of the points. It's not the official book that our girls keep but it works for me when I'm out there talking to our wrestlers. When it got to the point that it was out of reach for them, I knew it. And I think our team did too because I saw the guys looking around with their eyes so big. |
One of the advantages to the new plant was that we've promoted people and moved them down there for positions. We provided them opportunities down there, and in the meantime, opened up sale territories for people in this area. More employment to local area was created as a result of promoting people here to the southern plant. |
One of the most amazing things (about this study) is where television and Web advertising came into play. The television advertisement or Web advertisement is still valuable based on the results of this analysis with the younger demographics. However, they are not nearly as powerful as the trailer or a friend's recommendation. |
Bruce Weber (1946-) |
Online usability of financial disclosures is essential for investors to easily stay informed about their investments in public company securities, particularly as companies begin to replace printed reports with Web versions. Yet the vast majority of these mega-cap companies are failing to meet an acceptable usability standard. |
Our challenge is a pretty great one. This time around, I like our team on paper better than 2002, but you don't win games on paper. On the field is how the teams will be judged. ... With a good training camp, good preparation games and the right mental approach, this will be a team that will challenge anybody in the World Cup. |
Our customers are dramatically impacting their businesses through supplier and customer data management. In general, the marketplace is learning to leverage data more effectively. The results can be translated directly into savings, lower risks, improved revenue and profitability -- all the result of better business decisions. |
Our match against Clemson is a battle every year and they are certainly off to a great start this season. The last three matches have been 4-3 decisions and I'm sure that this year it will be no different. We are excited that we are playing in Atlanta and look forward to the opportunity to play an opponent as tough as Clemson. |
Our patriarchal society does not like to hear this voice, it's a voice that even Afghan politicians want to silence. But despite these problems, I and millions of other Afghan women have been successful through our tireless efforts to open a small glimpse of hope, for the future generations and for the children of Afghanistan. |
Our real goal was to focus on those issues in which we had a strong vested interest so that the online medium will become the mass-market medium of the 21st century, as we all believe it will. The greatest threat to delivering on that goal is the vacuum of leadership for our members in Washington, Brussels and throughout Asia. |
Our research team has been working on methods and point-of-care devices that could allow saliva to be used as a diagnostic fluid. This could impact the practice of dentistry and medicine in the very near future, as healthcare practitioners use saliva, possibly instead of blood, to diagnose and monitor oral and systemic health. |