With this important acquisition, we now have more than 1,000 employees in the U.S. serving key global and mid-tier clients. Our message and values are hitting home across all markets and we are seeing a significant up tick in revenues and demand for our services. We are building on the double-digit revenue growth we experienced during the last three years, and have the strong base of skills and experience to fuel our global expansion. |
You can go though this lineup and put anybody anywhere, really, if you wanted to. I'm not going to lie, I feel really comfortable hitting third. But I'll continue to go wherever he puts me. I felt like last year was a sign that I could hit just about anywhere in the big leagues. I hit second, third, hit fifth, it doesn't really matter to me. As long as I'm in there, I don't care. There's going to be plenty to go around in this lineup. |
You have those rare occasions when an issue gets a lot of publicity and coverage and that's when most legislators would vote in accordance with the mainstream views back home. But those are rare occasions. On most issues and most bills, the level of public concern and understanding is, frankly, very low. And when that goes down, the amount of power and influence lobbyists have in that (Statehouse) goes up. That is true on most issues. |
You need to do the little things in marriage to keep your marriage close and we always leave notes around the house for each other to let the other know that we love them. Sometimes I find a note on the window of my car left by Watts and it says 'I love you.' Valentine's (Day) is all the time for us; it's not a one-day event. We just happened to get married on Valentine's Day because it is easier for Watts to remember his anniversary. |
You say, 'Give me all the Web sites that are linked to Oracle.com.' Hopefully what you'll find are user groups, fan clubs of Oracle, private Web pages of people who work with Oracle, lists of all their friends who are Oracle programmers and home pages for all of them. You might even get into a hidden Web page that has the entire employee directory because the programmer didn't bother to program that to be part of the overall security. |