In order to save appearances, they didn't want it to be unanimous, |
In order to sell the leftover older chips, you have to cut prices. |
In our home there was always prayer-aloud, proud and unapologetic. |
In our judgment, a court is likely to defer to the city's reasons. |
In our league, if you lose one game, you're pretty much out of it. |
In over half of the fatalities this year, no seat belts were worn. |
In politics, being ridiculous is more damaging than being extreme. |
In practice I usually never take those shots. Coach never lets me. |
In remembrance of Theresa Marie Schiavo: Issues of law and ethics, |
In show business, if you make a mistake, you can do it over again. |
In some instances we've petitioned the zoning board for variances. |
In Switzerland, they don't get much mail but they do get packages. |
In terms of expectations, the crude build was a bit of a surprise. |
In terms of fiscal policy very little is expected from the budget. |