GRAVE, n. A place in which the dead are laid to await the coming of the medical student.
Beside a lonely grave I stood -- With brambles 'twas encumbered; The winds were moaning in the wood, Unheard by him who slumbered,
A rustic standing near, I said: "He cannot hear it blowing!" "'Course not," said he: "the feller's dead -- He can't hear nowt [sic] that's going."
"Too true," I said; "alas, too true -- No sound his sense can quicken!" "Well, mister, wot is that to you? -- The deadster ain't a-kickin'."
I knelt and prayed: "O Father, smile On him, and mercy show him!" That countryman looked on the while, And said: "Ye didn't know him." --Pobeter Dunko