Man's life's a vapor, and full of woes; he cuts a caper, and down he goes |
Management continues to run the company for long term shareholder return, |
Manufacturers need to synchronize handset releases with network launches. |
Many are wondering how prices could go up so quickly after the hurricane. |
Many gangs and criminals have more sophisticated arms than the police do. |
Many in the unions have demonstrated a level of arrogance and even greed. |
Many of those people vote a lot and make a lot of campaign contributions. |
Many people are extremely happy, but are absolutely worthless to society. |
Many, many companies have failed, competing with or selling to the Bells. |
Margins either must stop shrinking or we will have to close our business. |
Marine mammals are providing early clues of our unseen impact on the sea. |
Marion has been doing great. We all look forward to seeing her in action. |
Marion's an artistic town. But we don't say we're artists. We just paint. |