[DES MOINES, Iowa -- Plans for a live debate on the eve of Saturday's Iowa straw poll have been canceled after only three candidates -- former Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alexander, commentator Pat Buchanan and Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah -- agreed to participate. WOI-TV agreed to hold the debate only if six candidates signed on. It was also to be carried by KCAU-TV in Sioux City and WHBF-TV in the Quad Cities.] Obviously, we're very disappointed given the fact that many of these candidates in their appearances throughout the state in recent times have stated that there ought to be forums, there ought to be debates for the candidates to air their views, ... When push came to shove and we presented a forum ... many of the candidates balked or simply didn't respond. |
The most obvious and condescending tell-tale sign that manipulation is taking place is that no one takes responsibility for the actions of the administration, it’s always some other department who is to blame and never the people who have authority, it’s always some nameless foot-soldiers, a “few bad apples,” when we all know that such excuses don’t hold water, we know who gave the order for soldiers to engage in the abhorrent techniques of torture, we know who told subordinates in the corporation(s) to “fudge the numbers” and “be creative,” we know full well who makes these decisions. President Truman said, “The buck stops here,” now the buck effectively floats over many people never stopping anywhere, so there’s no one to blame. |
There's really two - two things that happened - two areas ... in terms of things blowing up. One is our day-ahead scheduling practices and then the other is our real-time operations. Um, we've been doing and have been doing for two years a lot of activity in, you know, there's black, there's white and there's gray. Um, we have been endeavoring into the gray area when opportunities present themselves to make money. We have now moved out of the gray area into the clearly what's legal area ... not even legal, but what's, um, there's like the letter of the law, the letter of the rules and the spirit of the rules. Um, we've been exploiting the letter of the rules - or literally interpreted - interpreting the rules, um, in California when we can make money ... |