We speak here to all the gods that hold to their agreements, promote the order (of the universe), together with all their wives, they shall deliver us from calamity! |
We speak to being, to the lord of being, and also to him that controls the beings; to the beings all assembled, they shall deliver us from calamity! |
Wealth comes naturally to a person, who is endowed with both these qualities. |
Wealth, treasures, and household are all just ruins; the Lord's Feet are the only treasure. Nanak is a beggar standing at Your Door, God; he begs for Your charity. |
Wear this attire for your own welfare! Thou are the protector of humans from destruction! May you live like this for one hundred years 'weaving' the clothes of 'Wealth' and 'Nourishment'! |
Well, everyone will come to that conclusion sooner or later; for there is a limit to the capacity of man to control events. You may call it Destiny. Another may call it Providence; and a third, God. Names do not matter. It is the humility that matters; the wonder and the sense of awe that matters. |
What little man has to accomplish must be done quickly, at the place that is assigned to him and within the time that is allotted to him. And, man has such a formidable task before him; it is to fulfill it that he has come as man, exchanging for this human habitat all the merit he has acquired during many past lives. The task is no less than the manifestation of the Divinity latent in man. |
What, O earth, I dig out of thee, quickly shall that grow again, may I not, O pure one, pierce thy vital spot, (and) not thy heart! |
Whatever God does, accept that with pleasure; in comfort and in suffering, meditate on Him. |
Whatever the method of worship and whichever the Name or Form, it is faith that matters; it is that which gives life and energy for higher things. |
When a child's growth is stunted, it causes grief; when he starts to grow normally, it causes joy, when the growth is abnormal, it causes grief again. |
When as a swan he rises from the water he does not withdraw his one foot. If in truth he were to withdraw it, there would be neither to-day, nor to-morrow, no night and no day, never would the dawn appear. |
When birds desire to chirp, lustily desire to chirp, may my call go there, as an arrow-point upon the shaft! |
When God becomes merciful, He leads you to meet the True Guru; all peace is in the Name of the Lord. |
When selfishness is gone, then one becomes the Lord Himself; seek the Sanctuary of the treasure of mercy. |