When the mind wavers, loyalty sits light; love disappears; and faction begins. |
WHEN the sun is over your head, there will be no shadow; similarly, when faith is steady in your head, it should not cast any shadow of doubt. |
When they are out and about, they keep Him enshrined in their hearts; returning home, the Lord of the Universe is still with them. |
When we get compliments for our good works we naturally feel elated and happy. On the contrary listening to evil thoughts make us skeptical and confused. |
WHEN you scatter seeds on the surface of the soil, they do not germinate; you have to keep them inside the soil. |
Wherever I look, there You are; I am totally convinced of this. Unto whom should I pray? The Lord Himself hears all. |
Whether thou art beyond the haunts of men, or whether across the river, this very herb, as if a captive bound, shall bring, thee back to me! |
While saying this one has to keep in mind the fact that there is continuous tug-of-war going on between truth and untruth and hence one can easily understand how difficult this task is. |
With seven wheels does this Time ride, seven naves has he, immortality is his axle. He carries hither all these beings (worlds). Time, the first god, now hastens onward. |
With the drum and the skin of the antelope all the gods, that sway the battle, have scared away the enemies. |
With your tongue, chant the Name of the One Lord. In this world, it shall bring you peace, comfort and great joy; hereafter, it shall go with your soul, and shall be of use to you. |
Women should perform their duties well and give due importance to their appearances because only then they will be able to attract good husbands. |
WORDS can confer strength; they can drain it off; Words can gain friends; they can turn them into enemies; words can elevate or lower the individual. One must learn the habit of making one's words sweet, soft, and pleasant. |
Work incessantly for the enhancement of our capabilities. |
Worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har, Har. In the Society of the Saints, He dwells in the mind; doubt, emotional attachment and fear are vanquished. |