You now become easy victims of lust, anger, malice, envy and the rest of that evil brood; the atmosphere of the heart is polluted by the ego-fumes. |
You people are unconscious; you should be afraid of sin. |
You shall be redeemed, and through you, the whole world shall be saved, if you chant the Name of the One and Only Lord. Practice this yourself, and teach others; instill the Lord's Name in your heart. That person, who has this treasure upon his forehead - that person meditates on God. |
You shall not obtain this human body again; make the effort - try to achieve liberation! |
YOU very often condemn the mind as a monkey; but take it from Me, it is far worse. |
You win My love in full measure. Love is My highest Miracle. Love can make you gather the affection of all mankind. Love will not tolerate any selfish aim or approach, Love is God. Live in Love. Then all is right; all can be well. |
You, the aspirant for supreme mind, progeny, fortune and wealth..... acting in accordance with your husband's wishes, happily pave your way towards immortality. |
YOUR devotion to God is best expressed by achieving the control of the senses. For the senses rush towards the temporary and the tawdry; and they foul the heart. |
Your eyes should not seek evil sights; your ears should not seek evil tales; your tongue should not seek evil speech; your hands should not seek evil acts; your minds should not seek evil thoughts. |
Your Feet are the boat to carry us across the world-ocean; You alone know Your ways. Those whom You keep protected, by Your Kindness, cross over to the other side. |
Your Name is the treasure of jewels, Lord. You are the True Banker; Your devotee is the trader. |