27 ordspråk av Jim Jackson

Jim Jackson

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 Not only is it an invasion of privacy, but it's just not right.

 Some churches in this area have showers to help mission groups going into Mexico.

 The most important thing is that I support my teammates. That's the bottom line. They're playing well. I want the team to be as successful as possible.

 The thing I heard from every one of the people was how wonderful this town was, how many people greeted them with smiles and, if they didn't know the answer, they'd find it,

 Then on Sunday, we were getting a little low on food and Rick Jones called and said 'We're gearing down at the college and we have food that's been donated. Can you use it?'

 We always thought item-level tagging was the way to go, but we're a different company than we were in the '90s.

 We don't dwell on it. We addressed it at the beginning of the season. Last year was disappointing, but we were still third in the state and had only two losses. We choose to look at the positives.

 We had a bed unit from the Baptist Association.

 We just had a philosophy to improve every day. We had three great days of wrestling.

 We made a lot of improvements. They just have to keep going in the right direction. Eventually, it will come.

 We really tied in with First United Methodist Church in that they let us use their showers,

 We used that for Sunday evening meals and Monday morning and Monday noon.

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