29 ordspråk av Lauren Jackson

Lauren Jackson

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 It looks like a cat attacked me. It was pretty physical. It's really tough to get into the flow of the game when you don't know what's going to be called.

 It's a very good deal so I'm excited. I've had a great run in Canberra but it's time to move on. Obviously I've had a lot of injuries and issues with my legs and, for me, I felt it was best to go to a shorter season where I can have time after the WNBA in Australia to undergo rehabilitation.

 It's all up in the air at the moment, ... I love the WNBA, and I love this team. It just depends on what Basketball Australia's restrictions are.

 It's all up in the air at the moment, even the WNBA,

 It's all up in the air at the moment, even the WNBA. There's a lot going on at the moment. Next year is a really tough year for us [Australia]. We've got to win the gold medal. I love the WNBA. It just depends on what Basketball Australia's restrictions are.

 It's not great, ... Once you get out there and start playing, that's just the way it is. With my shins and everything else I've been through that is so painful, I've done this before, so it's not really that frightening.

 Once I made the decision to play, and it was my decision, I was going to do it. You go out there and give it your best shot. I've had better days (physically), but I'm OK.

 Our long-term focus is Beijing. For us to now know what it feels like to win gold is huge. We can only get better from here.

 She wanted me to come home and get treatment, but I was pretty much just like, 'It's not going to happen,'

 There's a lot going on. Next year is a really tough year for (Australia). We've got to win the gold medal. I love the WNBA. It just depends on what Basketball Australia's restrictions are.

 There's some great talent in that team. They stuck it out. They were pretty good, but I never show any pity.

 To play in front of this crowd is something I will never forget. I never thought I would get the chance to play for my country again in Australia.

 With Jenny Whittle (197cm) and Tracey Beatty (202cm) we're by far the tallest and I think it's going to be very difficult for other teams to double and triple team me.

 [She uses her iPod] all the time — before games, on the bus, in airplanes, ... I just love music. I love all music.

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